Welcome to our website. We kindly request your thorough consideration of the subsequent terms. By continuing to browse and utilize this website, you thereby assent to compliance with, and the binding nature of, the ensuing terms and conditions of use, collectively with our privacy policy. These collectively govern the relationship between you and Rextech Pc concerning this website. If any aspect of these terms and conditions is at variance with your views, we earnestly implore you not to avail yourself of our website. The designations "Rextech," "Rextech Pc," "us," and "our" are indicative of Rextech, the legal entity which is the proprietor of this Website, domiciled at No.41-2, Jalan BK 5a/2, Bandar Kinrara, Puchong, Selangor. Our corporate registration is in Malaysia. The appellation "you" pertains to the user or viewer of our website.


By perusing these terms, you unequivocally agree to the stipulations contained in this Terms of Use Agreement. This Agreement stands as the paramount and exclusive pact between yourself and our entity. We retain the prerogative to amend this Agreement without prior notice to you. The Agreement will consistently be updated on this website, and it is incumbent upon you to periodically scrutinize the Agreement prior to any interaction with this site.


According to these provisions, only individuals aged 18 years or older are eligible to place orders for our products or furnish us with personal information. By undertaking any of these activities, you attest that you have attained the age of 18 or above, or that you have obtained the requisite consent from your parent or legal guardian, who is of 18 years or older, has perused, acknowledged, and assented to the applicability of the Terms to all users of the Site.


Our privacy policy comprehensively elucidates our protocols concerning the collection and utilization of your personal information. We urge you to peruse this policy in its entirety and acknowledge its terms before accessing our website or providing us with any personal data.


Rextech Pc extends to you a restricted license for the purpose of accessing, viewing, and employing this website, in accordance with the constraints outlined in these terms or as may be explicated on the website. You are strictly prohibited from downloading or modifying the website or any portion thereof, absent the express written consent of Rextech Pc. To be explicit, this exclusion encompasses the utilization of this website or its contents for any commercial endeavor without the explicit written consent of Rextech Pc. A limited, revocable, and non-exclusive authorization is conferred upon you for the creation of hyperlinks to the website, provided that such links do not portray Rextech Pc, its products, or services in a deceptive, misleading, offensive, or otherwise detrimental manner, which includes any unlawful or pornographic activities. Any unauthorized usage of this website promptly nullifies all permissions or licenses granted by Rextech Pc in these terms or on the website.


Under no circumstances shall you engage in or perform any of the ensuing actions:

  1. Employ any code, software, or any other means that could disrupt or interfere with this website or its accessible functions, or the utilization of this website by any other party.
  2. Undertake data mining, hacking, scanning, or security testing of this website and its servers.
  3. Attempt to track, trace, or obtain information about any other user or visitor of this site through any means.
  4. Exploit the website, its contents, or its servers for any criminal, illegal, or improper purpose, or in contravention of these terms.
  5. Make comments or communications on the website that may be deemed defamatory, libelous, or offensive to us, other users, or any third party. We retain the prerogative to take any and all measures to deter, prevent, or terminate activities related to the aforementioned prohibited actions.


This website and its content and materials are provided "AS IS," and to the maximum extent allowable under applicable law, we disclaim all representations and warranties regarding the website. We do not guarantee that the website is devoid of bugs, viruses, malware, or errors. Your access and use of the website are undertaken entirely at your own risk.


The materials featured on this website are protected by relevant copyright or trademark rights. These materials encompass, but are not restricted to, the design, content, graphics, and layout contained within the website. Reproduction, distribution, usage, or republication of the website, or any part thereof, is stringently prohibited, except for personal use or non-commercial purposes. In such cases, due acknowledgment of our site is requisite. A portion of the content on this site may also be the copyrighted work of third parties, and you should reach out to these parties if you wish to employ their works. "Rextech Pc" is a registered trademark owned by Rextech Pc. All other trademarks, product names, or company names or logos found on the website are the property of their respective owners. We do not grant permission for the use of such trademarks, product names, company names, or logos, and such usage may infringe upon the intellectual property rights of their respective owners. The website, or any segment thereof, or its contents may not be employed in any legal or arbitration proceedings by you.


Rextech Pc, along with its directors, employees, and shareholders, shall not be liable to you or any third party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or punitive losses or damages arising from:

  • The use or access of this site.
  • Any products purchased through this site.
  • The viewing or utilization of any content or materials contained on this site.


You undertake to indemnify, defend, and hold Rextech Pc, together with all its directors, employees, and shareholders, harmless from any and all liability and costs (including reasonable attorney's fees) that we may incur in connection with any claim arising from your breach of the Terms.


We do not warrant that the website will be devoid of errors, although we shall strive to address any feedback accordingly. We also reserve the right to modify the pricing, features, functionality, or content of the website at any time, including editing or deleting any documents, information, or other content appearing on the website. Pricing adjustments may occur on the website. If an order is placed and the price subsequently decreases before the item is dispatched, customers may not be able to request an update to the invoice reflecting the lower price. Once an order has been processed or shipped, we will not make any alterations to the pricing on the invoice.


We retain the right to decline business to any party and/or to cancel an order at any juncture. In the event that payments have been made in connection with a canceled order executed by us, all such payments shall be reimbursed in full, devoid of interest, upon the cancellation of the order.

Rextech Pc operates on a direct-to-customer business model. We do not authorize resellers or third-party agents to represent our products or services. If you encounter any entity or individual purporting to sell products on behalf of Rextech Pc or as an affiliate, we encourage you to exercise caution and verify their claims directly through us. The authenticity and quality of products not acquired directly from Rextech Pc or through our official communication channels cannot be guaranteed.

It is imperative to acknowledge that although Rextech Pc and Rextech Pc Services share related branding, they are distinct entities. The terms, policies, and warranties of one entity may not necessarily extend to the other. We urge customers to seek clarifications directly through our official platforms to preclude any misapprehensions.

Additionally, while Rextech Pc and Rextech Pc Services operate under a related branding, they are separate entities. Claims or warranties offered by one may not necessarily apply to the other. Customers are strongly advised to verify and confirm product or service offerings directly through our official communication channels.


Links to third-party websites are proffered solely for your convenience. We bear no responsibility for such third-party websites, and it is advisable for you to peruse the privacy policy and terms of use of each of these websites.


We reserve the prerogative to effect changes to the website, these terms, and other policies at any time without prior notice. It is incumbent upon you to review these terms and other policies prior to utilizing the website.


The Terms shall be governed by the laws of Malaysia, without consideration of choice of law principles. The courts of Malaysia shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any legal or equitable action arising from or related to these terms or the website.


If you have any questions regarding our site, its usage or any other policies, please contact us at:
[r3xtech@gmail.com ]


The particulars concerning product specifications, descriptions, images, and pricing are susceptible to alteration without prior notification. While earnest endeavors are made to maintain the accuracy of the provided information, any inadvertent errors or omissions cannot be imputed to us.

In our capacity as purveyors, our commitment lies in extending support to our patrons with regard to warranty claims associated with products acquired through our establishment. The temporal extent of the warranty is contingent upon the terms delineated by the respective hardware manufacturers and commences from the date of acquisition. The duration of warranty service may exhibit variance contingent upon the timeline at which the customer presents their PC for inspection and the ensuing RMA process, in the event that the hardware necessitates return for RMA warranty purposes. In circumstances where the hardware supplier rebuffs the warranty claim, we shall not be held accountable.

While our unwavering dedication to delivering the highest quality of service is undeniable, the assurance cannot be tendered that the process of troubleshooting, repair, and component replacement will unfailingly culminate in the comprehensive resolution of every customer grievance. There may arise instances necessitating multiple diagnostic iterations or the procurement of new replacement parts. We undertake to diligently apprise our patrons of the progress and engage in collaborative efforts to effect requisite actions.

Coverage and Exclusions:

In the context of warranty-related concerns, users are obliged to undertake the return of the item to Rextech, with the condition precedent that:

– a. Subsequent to our inspection, the manifestation of the product's malfunction or defect is not imputable to:
– i. Negligence, misuse, or human error on the part of the customer.
– ii. External factors, including, but not limited to, malware installation, physical or water damage.
– iii. Any conduct or condition that renders null and void the original manufacturer's warranty.
– iv. The product is still within the confines of its original warranty period.
– v. Failure to satisfy any of the aforementioned conditions shall entail charges for both retrieval and delivery. This service exclusively pertains to products initially procured from Rextech Pc.

Data Responsibility:
In our pursuit of due diligence, Rextech Pc is meticulous in the handling of all products; however, we disclaim liability for data loss that may potentially occur in the course of our services. We strongly advocate that customers engage in periodic data backup as a precautionary measure.

Lifetime Technical Support:
Rextech Pc extends the provision of lifetime technical support to the fullest extent of our capabilities. It is to be acknowledged, however, that the extensiveness of our responses may not uniformly accommodate all categories of inquiries, and the potential for inaccuracies in our responses does exist. Notwithstanding, we remain steadfast in our commitment to provide the most optimal support achievable.

While our concerted efforts are directed toward the maintenance of commensurate stock levels, the accessibility of products is susceptible to change sans prior notification. In circumstances where a product lapses into unavailability, we retain the prerogative to gracefully cancel an order, make a transition to an alternative model or brand (characterized by specifications that may or may not align), or, as warranted, to issue a complete refund.

We accept an array of payment modalities, encompassing online bank transfers, credit cards, and debit cards. The submission of precise payment information is imperative to obviate delays in the processing of your order. All orders shall be processed subsequent to the reception of full payment.

Upon the auspicious consummation of payment, an email bearing order confirmation shall be disseminated. We earnestly beseech a meticulous review of the minutiae of your order, with immediate recourse to us in the event of discerning any incongruities or the need for amendments.

Should the exigency for assistance with your order arise, queries concerning our products or services manifest, or technical predicaments loom, our customer support consortium is accessible through our WhatsApp channel or Facebook platform. Our commitment encompasses the exhaustive exertion of endeavors to address your concerns and facilitate a resolution that is both equitable and satisfactory.

It is incumbent to note that Rextech Pc shall remain immune to culpability for any delays or the inability to fulfill obligations pursuant to these terms and conditions, should such impediments emanate from events, circumstances, or causes that transcend the orbit of reasonable control. This encompassment extends, but is not confined, to acts of God, natural catastrophes, hostilities, acts of terrorism, labor disputes, and kindred occurrences.

In the event that any provision within these terms and conditions is adjudged invalid or unenforceable by a court endowed with competent jurisdiction, the residual provisions shall remain undiminished in their force and effect. The invalidated or unenforceable provision shall be deemed supplanted by one that is valid and enforceable, thereby closely approximating the original provision's intention.

The consolidation of these terms and conditions, in conjunction with our Privacy Policy, and any additional policies or guidelines enunciated on our website, collectively form the comprehensive agreement between you and Rextech Pc, with regard to your utilization of our website, products, and services. This assemblage supersedes all previous or concurrent communications and proposals, whether they be conveyed electronically, orally, or in written form, which have transpired between you and Rextech Pc.

The prerogative to effect alterations to these terms and conditions, devoid of preliminary notification, remains vested with Rextech Pc. It is incumbent upon you to periodically peruse these terms and conditions to remain apprised of any changes. Your continued utilization of our website, products, or services subsequent to any modifications shall serve as an attestation to your acceptance of the updated terms and conditions.